
Welcome to Wisconsin Magpie.

Lisa Cestkowski, creator of the blog Wisconsin Magpie

Hello and welcome to Wisconsin Magpie. I’m Lisa, the writer, crafter, and castoff collector behind this blog.

I live in an old two-story farmhouse in constant need of repair with my reluctantly helpful husband, a narcissistic tabby cat, and a basement full of rickety secondhand furniture that I really am going to shore up and refinish someday. (Regardless of what my husband says.)

Newspaper chicks wreath handmade by Wisconsin Magpie

I named my blog Wisconsin Magpie because I have deep roots here in the Badger state and because I like to collect odd things for my nest, much as the birds of the same name do.

As far as collecting goes, I like pretty much anything old and chippy. Some of my favorite finds are vintage holiday decorations, old leather briefcases, worn books, miniature Statues of Liberty, and Wisconsin memorabilia.

Turkey made out of vintage kitchenware from the blog Wisconsin Magpie

When I’m not out buying things I don’t need, I’m generally home handcrafting decor I could buy already made for half the price, building aluminum turkeys out of vintage kitchenware, and using power tools I have no business operating while attempting DIY projects I have no idea how to do.

Sometimes they actually turn out.

8 Replies to “About”

  1. I'd love to follow you through email, but there isn't a way to sign up. Can you add a widget? I know you are just getting started, but judging from what you like to do, it's something I'm interested in seeing more of. Best wishes.

  2. Widget added…. I think. I'm kind of stumbling through the setup stuff for this blog. Hopefully I did it right. But thanks for wanting to follow me. 🙂

  3. Hi Lisa – I just discovered your blog and enjoy it a lot. I too am in Wisconsin and it is great to find a “local” girl that I can follow. Just curious what area of the state you are in?

  4. Hi Lisa! I love your blog! I'm one of the co-hosts for Shabbilicious Friday and I love your typsetter tray turned shadowbox! I'm also a member of a very supportive and savvy Facebook group for bloggers on the Blogger platform – we'd love to have you if you'd like to join 🙂 Just shoot me an email at stacy.white.tolbert@gmail.com.

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